Placid - A Short Story

Photo by David Rangel on Unsplash As I was walking through the park on my way back home from work, I stumbled upon an odd scene. A few yards away from the walking path, I saw a man crouched below a large tree, staring at a small patch of grass and dirt. I thought that he may have dropped something and was looking for it, so I walked over to see if I can help. “Did you lose something, sir?”, I asked him as I approached. “Oh! No, not really”, he smiled in awkward surprise as he turned his attention to me, “this is where my dog was buried several years ago. I’m just visiting him.” “Must have been a special dog, very close to you I guess”, I said. “No…”, he said brusquely, “we had a weird relationship…it’s a long story.” “I am a dog owner myself…” I spoke curiously as I crouched beside him, “not sure what a weird relationship with a dog looks like.” The man smiled at me and said “I can tell you our story if you like, but don’t say I didn’t warn you about how long it is”. “I promise ...