
Showing posts from 2006

100 Days

I write of a man in the 21st century, and because every character in a story must have a name, I shall call him Alladin. The name sounds familiar to you, and so shall the story, except that it is not a fairy tale, because fairies exist in dreams and the world is too real to be dreaming. Like every common man, Alladin too was a man with strong desires, big and small, real and virtual, good and bad. And just like a mosquito who does not know of any harm he causes to anyone else, Alladin was ready to bite, unaware of it though. Other than his dreams and desires, he also had friends, family, neighbors and the rest of world, just like everyone else does. One day, on a hot afternoon, while traveling on the highway, Alladin found a lamp lying in sand on side of the road, scorching under the sun, and shining as bright as gold. As he pulled over, lifted the lamp and rubbed it to remove the patches of dirt that seemed to have covered it for centuries, smoke appeared, out came a genie and Alladin...

The Can of Worms

More than 60% of research on earth, going on right now is based on Human Psychology. The scientists all over the world think that after a lot of studies, they will finally be able to come up with a set of simple mind rules that will be applicable to all human beings, of all shapes, sizes and colors, in all professions and at all places. But I really am not sure of this, ‘coz these ppl have simply left out a very important and so far the strangest brain system alive, an engineer’s mind, infact being specific, a to-be engineer’s mind. People think that the to-be engineers have a natural inclination towards engineering or whatever. But people even think that IIT’s are world’s best colleges, so it really doesn’t matter what people think, they’re mostly incorrect. Exams are going on, and no matter how hard I try, last day preparation is not helping anymore, unlike the good old school days. And today, one day before my last exam, as an excuse to ‘maaro peace’ (that’s a sophisticated te...

Rendezvous with 'Her' - Part 2

As I said, my JEE preparations went on, with nothing much to do when it came to Priya. The whole year passed, me being just a friend to Priya. Schools were closed, we had a farewell party where Priya was again with the ‘cool group’. And then, the results were out. I cleared JEE! I was the only one from my school, and that made me even happier. “Priya would love me now. I should meet her”, I thought. But then, there was something which was still not okay. From next day onwards, I joined a gym. I was suggested to exercise in the morning for a period of around 2 hrs, but I added 2hrs in the evening too. Four hours of daily exercise, controlled diet and 30 minutes of jogging daily, if this couldn’t do it, nothing could. For the two idle months I had before joining, I did this regularly, and after two months, when I climbed on the weighing machine, the needle stopped at 90. 108 to 90! People said it was awesome, but I knew I had to lose more. Then there was the joining, and I was here at II...

Rendezvous with 'Her' - Part 1

“ Yeah sure!”, she said. I could not believe this was actually happening. For the first time, things were actually going the way just like I wanted them to go. You might say it wasn’t such a big deal, but to me it was. I had been dreaming of this one moment, and waiting for it to come true for three years. This is the story of a guy’s first crush ever. But unlike usual crush situations, this one persisted, for a very long time, and brought about changes that completely changed the guy’s life forever. I am that guy. And because I know that many of my school guys will be reading this, I’ll change the name of the girl whom it is all about. For now let’s call her ‘Priya’. It hadn’t been this way always. I was a regular guy, who attended classes regularly, wore simple clothes, talked less, had a decent academic record and no presence when it came to sports or any other bodily activities, who used to weigh 108 kilograms, but always thought that it doesn’t matter how you look. I was a gu...

Soup for your mind

“When in doubt, predict that the present trend will continue.” - Merkin’s Maxim I had been debating for a long time. And I don’t know why but I used such quotations so extensively in my speeches, that with time they lost importance to me. They became mere tools of winning a debate competition. And so, I ignored this one too. Seven months back, when I wrote my first blog (not many know about it; ), little did I realize that posting it on ‘Yahoo! 360 degrees’ was equivalent to posting it nowhere. And then I relaxed, for a few days, waiting for ‘360 degrees’ to become popular(what was I thinking?). But things didn’t turn out that way; ‘’ beat ‘Yahoo!’. And by the time I realized this fact, most of the people around me were blogging, continuously, one after the other, like blogging machines in the ‘blogosphere’ . And it was then that I ignored the above quote. I thought the trend would change, but it didn’t. And I thought t...


S ometimes you watch a movie, watch it carefully for three hours, noticing each and every detail, trying to search for one thing, one thing that you would like about the movie, one thing can make you laugh, one thing that would make you feel that watching this movies was not a mistake. And then, you finally realize that the movie is over without you being able to detect that one thing, as if the thing didn’t exist. In simple words, you feel like an idiot who has just wasted three hours on a stupid movie which does not make any freaking sense. This, my dear friends, is ‘Frustration’ . No dictionary on earth, no person alive can define this term, ‘Frustration’ . You don’t know what it means until you experience it yourself. Fortunately, God has been kind enough to enlighten every single human being with the meaning of ‘Frustration’. No matter who you are, what you do, you got to feel this, at least once. God has no double standards when it comes to making people feel ‘not so good’, you s...