Rendezvous with 'Her' - Part 2
As I said, my JEE preparations went on, with nothing much to do when it came to Priya. The whole year passed, me being just a friend to Priya. Schools were closed, we had a farewell party where Priya was again with the ‘cool group’. And then, the results were out. I cleared JEE! I was the only one from my school, and that made me even happier. “Priya would love me now. I should meet her”, I thought. But then, there was something which was still not okay. From next day onwards, I joined a gym. I was suggested to exercise in the morning for a period of around 2 hrs, but I added 2hrs in the evening too. Four hours of daily exercise, controlled diet and 30 minutes of jogging daily, if this couldn’t do it, nothing could. For the two idle months I had before joining, I did this regularly, and after two months, when I climbed on the weighing machine, the needle stopped at 90. 108 to 90! People said it was awesome, but I knew I had to lose more. Then there was the joining, and I was here at II...