The Can of Worms
More than 60% of research on earth, going on right now is based on Human Psychology. The scientists all over the world think that after a lot of studies, they will finally be able to come up with a set of simple mind rules that will be applicable to all human beings, of all shapes, sizes and colors, in all professions and at all places. But I really am not sure of this, ‘coz these ppl have simply left out a very important and so far the strangest brain system alive, an engineer’s mind, infact being specific, a to-be engineer’s mind. People think that the to-be engineers have a natural inclination towards engineering or whatever. But people even think that IIT’s are world’s best colleges, so it really doesn’t matter what people think, they’re mostly incorrect. Exams are going on, and no matter how hard I try, last day preparation is not helping anymore, unlike the good old school days. And today, one day before my last exam, as an excuse to ‘maaro peace’ (that’s a sophisticated te...