
Showing posts from 2009

Thoughts of Hot Blood

Why do we make mistakes when we know that we are going to regret them? Why is it so that the emotion of anger captures our mind so strongly that we have to say things that we know are going to hit back on us later? Almost all of us know when we are cool-headed, that the things said in anger are the most destructive things for us and our relationships. But then, why is it that when we are in rage, we forget our cool-headed philosophy and go on speaking things that we know might be destructive? Is it that anger makes us fearless? When angry, do we lose all the fear of consequences? After all, it is this fear that keeps a common man doing the right things at the right time. For example, no one would kick a big stone lying on the ground. Why? Because of the fear of pain, which is the consequence that kicking the stone would have. But, if we put some anger in this head, the person wouldn’t even think twice before kicking it, despite knowing that it will hurt later on. So, can we say that hi...

My First Heart-Attack

Hi my name is Manuj. The few following paragraphs will sum up a brief history of my life. Do not be surprised if you find striking similarities between your life and mine, because if you are like me, then you will probably make the same mistakes in life as I did. Before reading ahead, remember that people who learn from their own mistakes are smart, but smarter are those who learn from someone else’s mistakes. Love is often taken for granted. A research showed that 98% of those people who received love with less or no efforts tend to value it only at times when they have nothing else to do; the rest of the times, they take it for granted. I never valued love in my life as such because I received excess of it without ever demanding for it. Since I was a kid, my parents have loved me with all their heart and done every possible thing I could have expected from them for my happiness. After I grew up, I got the best girlfriend in this world who later on became my wife. She has always loved...