Soup for your mind

“When in doubt, predict that the present trend will continue.”

-Merkin’s Maxim

I had been debating for a long time. And I don’t know why but I used such quotations so extensively in my speeches, that with time they lost importance to me. They became mere tools of winning a debate competition. And so, I ignored this one too.

Seven months back, when I wrote my first blog (not many know about it;, little did I realize that posting it on ‘Yahoo! 360 degrees’ was equivalent to posting it nowhere. And then I relaxed, for a few days, waiting for ‘360 degrees’ to become popular(what was I thinking?). But things didn’t turn out that way; ‘’ beat ‘Yahoo!’. And by the time I realized this fact, most of the people around me were blogging, continuously, one after the other, like blogging machines in the ‘blogosphere’. And it was then that I ignored the above quote. I thought the trend would change, but it didn’t. And I thought that writing a blog at this moment of time would make an impression as if I am doing it just because others are. So I waited, and waited, and waited. And now here I am, gave up, finally at the right place at the wrong time.

My first post was supposed to be on the topic “10 biggest reasons of frustration”(which was supposed to be a funny article), and believe me I did start that way, but due to natural driving forces(I hate them, but they come again), I ended up writing a whole philosophy on “Frustration and life”. But after posting the topic, there was this stupid inner voice asking me, “Are you nuts? A whole blog on ‘frustration’ when you knew that most of your readers would be KGP guys? Guys who are filled with oceans of ‘frustration’, guys who have a PhD on this topic, you wrote ‘this’ for ‘them’? What were you thinking? What kind of comments do you expect?” And what I thought turned out to be correct. When I found out that even a ‘sardar’(read Kamy Singh) was clever enough to make a joke on my post, then I realized that this was a BIG mistake. Then there were a few encouraging comments too, but you know, ‘Kamy making fun of something!!!’, nothing can beat that! And so, I learned one thing, “Know your audience”.

My purpose of writing this post is not to justify my last post or to prove something. The purpose of this post is just to break the aura of the last post, and to show Vampi that I am still OKAY (not a ganjedi), and to just write ‘something’.

Anyways, now I have been tagged (thanx to Souvik grrrr…). And consequently my chances of improving have been further reduced by giving me a super-boring topic to write on (go to Kapish’s blog and see how boring it gets). Hopefully after this and ‘The Tag’, I’ll start with what I am used to writing about, ‘Past’.


K said…
well, this blog did not ring any bells to me I will say.As entertaining as the last post, but hopefully, the past would be better.

Why the hell are you bothered about how people take your post?You wrote it for yourself in the first place, right? If you like it others can go fuck themselves.

Continue writing, Just remember its upon others to comment on your posts but its always upon you to decide you want to take the post or not and tahts the reason these jerks have allowed you to delete the comments as well.
Mayank said…
thanx f'er the advice dude. You see I followed a part of your advice by using my deleting power to delete a comment by kamy singh where-in he decided to show me a bit of his anger :)) (as expected).
Unknown said…
hello, did u comment on my blog?? i dint get u actually??
wat were u saying u tagged me?? whr??? when?? i cant see it

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