4 Super-Power Movies You Must Watch

A lot has been read and said about the latest, most anticipated super-hero movie of the year: "The Dark Knight Rises". And while this post is not a review of the same, I would like to use a few sentences to ponder upon the what made Nolan's take on Batman so endearing to all of us. I believe that Nolan's trilogy is not about the comic book character we know, but it is in fact a dark and gripping drama about a man who took matters in his own hands. It is the humanity and the madness in all of us that these movies glorify and make them different from every other CGI driven super-hero movie we know of.

At this note, I want to have the pleasure of sharing with you my top favorite movies of the same kind: movies which are based on similar super-hero like themes, but with a very different aspect to them altogether. My suggestion is, watch them asap:

 4. Chronicle: While Chronicle does not deal with super-heroes, it does show you the distance between super-powers and super-heroes. Summarizing the events that unfold when three teenagers accidentally acquire super-powers, this low-budget wonder takes you from fun and frolic to the devastating outcome of teenage emotions getting mixed with undeserving powers. Made using the found-footage technique, this movie took critics and audiences worldwide by surprise.

3. The Spirit: Coming back to the world of comic-books, The Spirit is what one would label as a "masala" movie based on its storyline, but the execution and direction leaves you comparing it with the classic "Sin City". Using the same black and white graphic style as Sin City, The Spirit is notable for its intense narration and screenplay, as well as the unique characters it offers.

2. Watchmen: This dark tale about a group of former super-heroes explores the ambiguity of the term "right", and hows shows human emotions can dominate and decapitate even the best of super-powers. A thrilling journey through the eyes of its interesting and emotionally tormented characters makes this movie unforgettable.

1. V for Vendetta: This is possibly the most popular title in this list. V for Vendetta, based in a fictional future universe with a dictatorial setup, derives influences from gunpowder treason plot, the bestselling classic novel "1984" by George Orwell, as well as Christopher Nolan's works to a certain extent. This movie holds the credit for bringing Guy Fawkes masks back into fashion. While there are no super-powers in this movie, but its dark and thought-provoking plot will leave you wondering if this dystopian thriller is better than Nolan's Batman trilogy.

So, this is it. Do watch these movies, and let me know if you agree that these are some of the most outstanding movies related to super-hero like characters.


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